Julie Leong author photo

Hi! I’m Julie.

I grew up in a New Jersey suburb as the daughter of Malaysian-Chinese immigrants and lived in Beijing, China as a teenager. In my day job, I’m a corporate cog doing finance, strategy, and all sorts of business-y things. As a writer and reader, I love fantasy full of heart and humor, and stories grounded in characters and their relationships.

I live in San Francisco with my husband Drew, our rescue pup Kaya, and a magical Meyer lemon tree in the backyard that somehow always has ripe lemons. When I’m not writing, I enjoy making unnecessary spreadsheets and flambéing things.



Name Pronunciation

My last name, Leong, is pronounced ‘Lee-yong’ (where yong rhymes with long), but said quickly in one syllable. Leong is one spelling of the Chinese name 梁, more often anglicized as Liang.